#30HariMenulisSuratCinta "Last day: To You, Whoever You Are"

This love letter i made for you……………..
I hope you're patient enough if someday i become too annoying to you.
I hope you always guide me if someday i have started confuse about the purpose of my life.
I hope I’ll be the only one for you if one day there is a temptation that comes to you.
I hope you always love me even if one day my face is not as tight as before.
I hope you never tired of me if someday i become childish.
I hope you always by my side if one day life doesn't go according to your wish.
I hope you always beside me if someday i desperately need you.
I hope you never say harsh words to me if someday you're mad at me.
I hope you will always protect me if one day the state of the world can no longer be accepted by my conscience.
I hope you give me strengh if someday i too weak even just to look at you.
I hope you wipe my tears if someday i too tired to face the world.
This love letter is just for you, i made special for you, whoever you are…………..


Your future


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